JUXTAPOSITION Joan Tollifson Rupert Spira MEDITATION is …

JUXTAPOSITION Joan Tollifson Rupert Spira

MEDITATION: is “moment-to-moment presence that excludes nothing and sticks to nothing” – Joan Tollifson


Rupert met Francis Lucille his teacher. The first words Rupert heard him say were, “Meditation is a universal ‘Yes’ to everything.”

TAGS: Joan Tollifson, juxtaposition, meditation, Rupert Spira

“The fact which is now called the Christian…

“The fact, which is now called the Christian Religion,” he boldly says, with the earlier Apologists, “existed among the ancients, and was never lacking from the origin of the human race.” –

C C Martindale SJ – SOURCE – http://www.ewtn.com/library/mary/augustin.htm



‘Great art grabs you, against your will, and then suspends your will. You are ushered into a quiet clearing, free of desire, free of grasping, free of ego, free of the self-contraction. And through that opening or clearing in your own awareness may come flashing higher truths, subtler revelations, profound connections. For a moment you might even touch eternity; who can say otherwise, when time itself is suspended in the clearing that great art creates in your awareness?’ Ken Wilber

The Essential Ken Wilber p145

SOME RANDOM QUOTES To teach superstition as truth…


To teach superstition as truth is a most terrible thing. — Hypatia

Every man prefers belief to the exercise of judgement. — Seneca

The world has produced three great impostors: Moses, Jesus and Muhammad. — Emperor Frederick II of Sicily

Christians must acknowledge the historical fact that from Bethlehem to Madras, most of their sacred sites are booty won in campaigns of fraud and destruction. — Koenraad Elst

Every formula of every religion has in this age of reason, to submit to the acid test of reason and universal justice if it is to ask for universal assent. — M. K. Gandhi

The most effective way to destroy people is to deny and obliterate their own understanding of their history. — George Orwell

When I think of all the harm the Bible has done, I despair of ever writing anything to equal it.” — Oscar Wilde

“Following the path of knowledge without love and devotion is like eating stones.”
— Mata Amritanandamayi

How do you know? — Socrates

“Christianity is the most ridiculous, the most absurd and bloody religion that has ever infected the world.” — Voltaire

“Millions of innocent men, women and children, since the introduction of Christianity, have been burnt, tortured, fined, imprisoned, [and molested]: yet we have not advanced one inch towards humanity. What has been the effect of coercion? To make one half of the world fools, and the other half hypocrites. To support error and roguery all over the earth.” — Thomas Jefferson



GURU means “gu’ actually means darkness while “ru” means light. The two serve as a principle for the development of consciousness where it leads the creation from unreality to reality, from the darkness of ignorance to the light of knowledge. – from ‘UNIVERSAL TRUTH: thinking outside the box’ by Peter C Rogers D.D., PhD

The term Guru is therefore explained as the remover of darkness, who reveals the light of the heart.

See also – https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Guru_Gita#cite_note-Grimes1996-5

GURU means gu’ actually means darkness while…

GURU means “gu’ actually means darkness while “ru” means light. The two serve as a principle for the development of consciousness where it leads the creation from unreality to reality, from the darkness of ignorance to the light of knowledge. – from ‘UNIVERSAL TRUTH: thinking outside the box’ by Peter C Rogers D.D., PhD

The term Guru is therefore explained as the remover of darkness, who reveals the light of the heart.

See also – https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Guru_Gita#cite_note-Grimes1996-5




1 A Meditation by Cardinal Newman

God has created me to do Him some definite service. He has committed some work to me which He has not committed to another. I have my mission I may never know it in this life, but I shall be told it in the next.

I am a link in a chain, a bond of connection between persons. He has not created me for naught. I shall do good, I shall do His work, I shall be an angel of peace, a preacher of truth in my own place while not intending it ­if I do but keep His Commandments.

Therefore I will trust Him. Whatever, wherever I am, I can never be thrown away. If I am in sickness, my sickness may serve Him; in perplexity, my perplexity may serve Him; if I am in sorrow, my sorrow may serve Him. He does nothing in vain. He knows what He is about.

He may take away my friends, He may throw me among strangers. He may make me feel desolate, make my spirits sink, hide my future from me ­still He knows what He is about.


2 If it is considered with insight, it will be seen that all the forces of the universe, in the last analysis serve the Covenant. – Abdu’l-Baha, Selections from the Writings of ‘Abdu’l-Baha, p 228

So the call of the Nondual traditions…

“So the call of the Nondual traditions is: Abide as Emptiness, embrace all Form. The liberation is in the Emptiness, never in the Form, but Emptiness embraces all forms as a mirror all its objects. So the Forms continue to arise, and, as the sound of one hand clapping, you are all those Forms. You are the display. You and the universe are One Taste. Your Original Face is the purest Emptiness, and therefore every time you look in the mirror, you see only the entire Kosmos.’
— A Brief History of Everything , p. 240

Spiritual awakening is a matter of becoming aware…

Spiritual awakening is a matter of becoming aware of awareness

“……..Turn thy sight unto thyself, that thou mayest find Me standing within thee, mighty, powerful and self-subsisting.” – From The Hidden Words by Baha’u’llah

“You find God the moment you realize that you don’t need to seek God.” – Eckhart Tolle – The Power of Now, page 122

“It is impossible to experience the appearance of awareness. We are that awareness to which such an appearance would occur. We have no experience of a beginning to the awareness that is seeing these words. We have no experience of its birth. We have no experience that we, awareness, are born.

Likewise, in order to claim legitimately that awareness dies, something would have to be present to experience its disappearance. Have we ever experienced the disappearance of awareness? If we think the answer is, ‘Yes’, then what is it that is present and aware to experience the apparent disappearance of awareness?

Whatever that is must be aware and present. It must be awareness. When we are born or when we wake in the morning, we have the experience of the appearance of objects. When we die and when we fall asleep at night, we have the experience of the disappearance of objects. However, we have no experience that we, awareness, appear, are born, disappear or die.” – Rupert Spira – The Intimacy of All Experience

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